Author: sessionwise

What’s the Best Motivator Out There?

Have you tried to change your ways in the past, and found it to be exhaustingly slow or temporary? I’m fascinated by how people change their lives for the better. I have observed firsthand …

How the Right Boundaries Create Time, Money and Energy

No one wants to have regrets in their life, whether they are related to things they’ve done, or even more regrettable, things they never tried. The article below provides a list to consider, so …

Writing Your Way to the Answers

There is true magic in writing, that is proven. Writing is used consistently by successful people and those in trouble, to move their lives forward. There are plenty of articles on the power of writing to …

5 Ways to Set Yourself Up for a Limit Free 2020

Setting a framework for planning the new year is important because it’s so easy to avoid planning altogether or to push it until there is a desperate need. There are also many ways to …

New Year In November – Planning For The Holidays And The New Year

The holidays and New Year are coming up and so are many special moments. The season can also be fraught with conflicting obligations and a delusional overestimation of one’s multitasking abilities. As we hop …

10 Tips to Greater Financial Independence

Financial independence is a big idea with a lot of moving parts. For so many, that’s why it’s more of a dream than an actionable idea. Without a plan and a strong intention, you …

Three Secrets to Successful Networking

Building a professional network has always been a crucial skill for entrepreneurs and career changers, and is more so today than ever. Because we are so connected technologically, it feels as if we have …

The Paradox of People Pleasing

How could a wonderful concept like pleasing people, end up with so much negative press? If a business (and life) is about relationships and serving, how is it possible or desirable to altogether avoid people …

Q4 Already? Strategic Ideas to Bring It Home

“The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed.” Chinese Proverb The fourth quarter of the year is a tricky one. It comes up fast. It’s close to the …

Reflections on Freedom

I am an entrepreneur today for good reason.  Freedom. What I have learned about freedom, from both history books, clients, and my own life, is that it really doesn’t come easily. Sometimes it flows …