Relating is connecting, associating or involving oneself with something or someone. You do this daily with work, money, food, exercise and many other areas of life. Your best life happens when these components interact harmoniously and …
How to Enjoy the Holidays and Set Goals for the New Year
The holidays are a time to get together with family and friends and focus on relationships. Contemplating relationships inevitably brings both feelings of joy and pain. Every season, you and the people in your …
Three Tips for Business Owners Who Don’t Know Business
If you want to be an entrepreneur to pursue work your desire and be your own boss, oftentimes you have all the goods to be successful, except for the business knowledge that will enable …
Whatever THE MIND OF MAN can CONCEIVE and BELIEVE – It can ACHIEVE. — Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich What is it that you want for yourself or your business and do you believe …
My son recently had an accident that damaged his car. No body was hurt, thank goodness. I’ve been driving him to school, which I secretly love. I soon realized that he couldn’t have been …
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to …
Does a traditional job working for a company feel limiting? Perhaps you need more independence to fully engage your skills, your ideas? Entrepreneur Magazine presented an article recently defining five key characteristics of an …
The importance of balance in our lives doesn’t need much explanation. Like a boat or a plane, too much “weight” on one side will make the system hard to control, unsafe, and possibly not …
We all have great strengths. Some are clear and routinely used, some are tucked away and only rarely accessed. Often we are unaware of our passions or our strengths. Most of us don’t even …
“Love and work are the cornerstones of our humaness.” – Sigmund Freud Love and work are both critical to our happiness, sense of purpose and well-being on this planet. Little else matches their significance …