Solve Your Money Relationship Problems Forever By "Dating" Your Money For Less Than 90 Days!

Expand Your Financial Abundance So You Can Experience More Freedom in Your Life.

Next Event: March 26, 2025 | Spots Limited!

Whether You Know It or Not, You Are in a Serious Relationship with Money

Is it a good relationship or is it pretty dysfunctional?

Here’s The #1 Way To Enjoy (Love) Your Money Again ( or for the 1st time)

This program is a passion project of mine. I have been looking forward to rolling this out for a while, and now I find that I’m rolling it out at a time when understanding money and rethinking work is top of mind for people.

If you have challenges with money or beliefs around money that are holding you back, you may not be making some of the career moves or business moves that you’ve really wanted to make.

I know this plays a role, because I see it all the time with my clients, and I’ve experienced it myself.

I had to recognize how important it was, not only to understand sound money practices, but also the emotional part of money.

I knew the rules of money. I’d been a CPA, and worked in accounting and finance for over 20 years. I thought that was enough.

But, I didn’t know that my relationship with money and my money mindset were actually causing my problems. 

If you don’t know about your relationship with money, that’s something that you will learn in this program. How you relate to money, what your beliefs are, how you make decisions around money, and why.

Here are three results you will gain from the program:

1. gaining an awareness of your relationship with money, and 2. developing it so that you can create a relationship that really serves you best. 3. taking practical actions that make a difference.

We’re going to be learning money management, how to set up proper systems for your money, and simple ones that fit your personality. This isn’t complicated.

The beauty of taking practical actions is that you start seeing results. You start creating systems and doing some of the things that you’ve been saying you would do, or thought you should do, but haven’t.

You start seeing yourself as someone who is taking control of their money.

This is powerful! Consistently working on mindset, practical actions, and seeing positive results take place, you are going to be a very different person with money in less than 90 days. 

The sense of empowerment and the new identity you gain is invaluable. And, this investment will come back to you many, many times over the course of a lifetime (remember, your relationship with money is there for a lifetime). 

If you are ready to change how you feel and relate to money, go down to the bottom of the page and join us

If you’d rather discuss your questions or concerns, please go ahead and book a call with me, and we can talk about it further.

I am very confident that I’m bringing the tools and resources you need to you. I’m going to hold your hand and hold you accountable, we’re going to date our money for less than 90 days, and it’s going to be fun! Like dating should be.

And, at the end, you’re going to have huge results and a huge transformation. Please join us.

Michelle gave me the words to begin managing my money in a way that is authentic and in alignment with my natural inclinations. She will help you get off the roller coaster and take charge of a healthy, new relationship with your money.

– Amber D. Nelson, Founder Lingo Consulting, Inc.

Create a great relationship with money, that will last a lifetime.

This is about developing a positive emotional connection with money, and that’s a struggle for most, regardless of bank balances.

I created this program, so you can remake or dramatically improve the way you interact with your money. It’s relationship building, intended to create financial stability and a more abundant future.

And, when you relate well to money, and take control of how you manage it, you can take the actions that change your life forever.

Money will then be less of a constant preoccupation, and you can put your energy toward those things you want to do and who you want to be.

Come spend some time with me, and I will get you rolling on this relationship-building journey.

Solve Your Money Relationship Problems
“Michelle Perkins gets to the core of your money issues and turns it around in a way that I’ve never seen before. Until you get to the root causes, it’s almost impossible to have financial freedom. Michelle’s work is invaluable, and if you could imagine the perfect mentor and coach to walk you into abundance, she is it.”
— Kathryn Alice Bestselling Author

How Improving Your Money Relationship  Works

I am 100% sure that you will be a different person when it comes to money, in less than 90 days.

As a group, we will go on 10 virtual, weekly money dates together, improving your financial awareness, money mindset and money habits over the weeks.

This is just enough time to develop fresh perspectives, use our amazing assessment and financial tools I provide you to shift your money mindset, take some valuable actions and harness momentum to continue the money dates on your own.

Accountability Partner


I will be there holding your hand while holding you accountable – every step of the way. We will address your beliefs about money, and shift your money thinking, so it serves you better.

Get In Control of Your Money


At the same time, we also take practical actions, specific to your issues, and improve your systems and financial management habits.

Expand Your Financial Abundance


As you start to see the results of these actions, your confidence will expand, and that will reinforce your new beliefs.

Improve Cash Flow


Relating to money very differently as you take control and visualize a new financial future.

Each week, we will systematically focus on ONE key area of your money and we’ll go deep.

By focusing on just one area per week, you will have enough time to truly build the systems, habits and routines you will need to get ahead, and stay ahead in your life.

During our time together, we will address your past, present and future for understanding, awareness and action in each category.

So, you can chart the course you want, and stop operating from an old, outdated mindset (programming), and habits that keep you from growing into the next version of you.

We will answer all these questions and plenty more as we date!

• What are my hidden money beliefs?
• How do I get rid of old fears and doubts around money?

• What are my money goals?
• How do I organize my financial information?
• How do I Stay Connected with my money?

• How can I earn more and keep more?
• Where can I add revenue and build wealth?
• How and when might I eliminate debt, save and invest?

You will elevate your mindset and bring real results into real-time with training, resources, and actions to be more successful.
The next event is March 26th and spots are limited!

While we hope you can join the training modules (dates) live/virtually, we will provide recordings/replays of the trainings if you can’t make the money dates virtually, in-person.

How Dating Your Money Improves Your Income

Why schedule a weekly date with yourself to hang out, interact and connect with your finances?
Here’s why:

A money relationship is a given in our world. We all deal with money on physical, emotional and psychological levels throughout our lives.

You can decide not to have a romantic relationship, but you can’t avoid a money relationship, so why not make it the best it can be?

Could your relationship with money be improved?

  • Do you feel you are repeating patterns and your financial situation doesn’t change?
  • Are you underearning or overspending?
  • Does money worry you, frustrate you, bore you, make you feel “less than”?
  • Do you prefer to ignore your finances or distance yourself from them?
  • Do you think you are doing everything you can, working hard, and there is nothing more you can do to improve your financial status?
  • Are money challenges keeping you from changing your career, expanding your business enjoying your partner or loving your life?
Experience More Freedom in Your Life

As with any relationship, ignoring it will get you nowhere.

Weekly money dates lead to major money breakthroughs and a loving relationship with your money.

Money grows with focus and positive attention, and you grow smarter and more confident in your ability to control your financial future. You become comfortable with your money.

You can change your life when you feel supported by your money and not in conflict with it.

Your Money Date provides an organized system for money management so you can build wealth and gain freedom and start relating to your money on a whole new level.

Meeting weekly with your money will reveal stories and information that, used properly, will become catalysts to better decisions and greater hopes for the future.

When money is no longer a problem or a distraction, you feel freer to focus on realizing your greater goals.

This is a foundational building block. 

From a solid relationship with money, you can let go of fears and stressors that may have prevented you from reaching for more in work, business and life.

Strengthening your relationship with money requires a combination of mindset shifts, including:

  • A deep awareness of your unconscious money beliefs
  • An understanding of your strengths and challenges with money
  • New beliefs and boundary breakthroughs

Specific mindset work will be done through my signature program, which uses the Secret Money Archetypes Assessment as the basis for a journey of discovery into your hidden beliefs and habits pertaining to money.

From there you quickly gain a level of self-awareness, that will enable you to reset your money story.

In addition, understanding and 
using simple, practical, money tracking tools will consistently give you the data you need to tell you the story of your money, both historically and presently, which will empower you to create your prosperous financial future.

These practical actions support and reinforce the new beliefs you are developing, just as going to the gym supports you in getting the physique you believe you can have.


Reset you Money Story

Combining changes in your thinking and your actions will catapult you into a new life and change you forever.

Meeting with your money once a week, consistently and with a friendly and upbeat attitude (remember it’s a date, not a chore) is a game-changer.

Don’t just take it from me

Here’s what one of my clients has to say:

“I did about three coaching sessions with her and I totally turned around my revenue. I actually have more revenue than I did before this pandemic.”

– Deborah Deras

Why I Created My Money Date

In case we haven’t met, I have an interesting money history. After receiving my MBA, and becoming a CPA simultaneously, I worked as a management consultant for a top tier, international public accounting firm.

Primarily, I was helping excited entrepreneurs create business plans that would attract investment capital.

I also helped small to medium-sized companies create processes and systems that would make them more profitable while streamlining operations and ensuring proper controls.

I continued my accounting and finance career working in various roles at large entertainment companies, ultimately logging in over 15 years in the corporate world.

So, here’s the part that relates to the money date program birthing! About 12 years ago, my husband decided to start over. I encouraged his transition and supported this decision even though it was a major upheaval. After a year of “figuring it out” and living the same life with no income, we found ourselves playing really close to the financial edge and racked up an obscene amount of debt.

We just kept believing the turnaround was around the corner. Despite my finance background, I wasn’t operating as a person with one. I suddenly found myself scared, confused, secretive and hoping for a way out. I knew better than to let us get to this point.

I started following a coach who introduced me to a concept that had never been brought up in all my years studying and working in accounting and finance.

Money with Michelle Perkins

This was an epiphany for me. She introduced the idea of money mindset and the significance of how you relate to money. This was the emotional/psychological side of the money story that I was never taught and had never thought about.

I was under the false impression that one needed only to know what to do with money. I didn’t know that you wouldn’t do it (even if you should) unless you had the right mindset. I wanted to get ahead in my life, so I made it my mission to understand, master and teach other people how to relate to money in a new way.

This program is the outcome of years of studying, getting coaching, and working with people to improve their relationship with money. I encourage my clients to date their money. It’s a bit confusing though – people scheduled times to meet with their money, but they didn’t quite know what to do on those dates.

So, in this program I walk you through the structure and get you set up and going, so you can continue this journey with your money on your own in a winning way.

Next event date is March 26, 2025 and spots are limited!

* You will not be asked to share how much you earn or any other personal financial numbers.
You will not have to discuss your personal and private financial information unless you choose to in any Q&A sessions.
We will have confidential options for asking specific money questions directly to me in confidence.

“Michelle guided me through a life transition which helped me to re-focus on career development, reacquaint myself with latent personal interests, and move into a new level of financial well-being. I started a financial management strategy that supports my present and future needs, have a renewed sense of commitment to my career, rekindled some creative pursuits, and am in the process of purchasing a dream car! I recommend Michelle to anyone who’s ready to kick up their lives a few notches and is ready to do the work with expert guidance and support. ”
— Elektra Grant Sustainability Professional

Here are the resources you’ll have access to… everything you need so you don’t have to think about it, you just need to show up.

When you do this program with a mentor, you are far more likely to succeed and achieve the results you want. Studies prove this, and it’s kind of obvious.

Receiving support, encouragement, training, and accountability, as well as investing in yourself creates a new level of commitment to change.

Transformation can be uncomfortable, no question, so if you feel that now, know you are on the path to a change that you need or want.

It is a short time together, and one that will no doubt bring high returns, many times your investment in the program, if you do the program and incorporate it in your life.

I designed this with your financial independence and freedom in mind, so you can change your life and live it more on your terms.

Program dates coming soon and spots are limited.
Now is always the best time to work on your money.

Payment Options

One-Time Payment

$1500 $ 997 00
One-Time Payment
  • 10 Live Weekly Group Training Dates
  • 10 Live Group Q&A Call Dates
  • Weekly date resources/templates/exercises
  • Hidden Money Archetypes Assessment
  • Money Love Journal Pages
  • Guest Interviews that increase your financial knowledge

Monthly Payments

$ 350 00
Monthly Payment (For 3 Months)
  • 10 Live Weekly Group Training Dates
  • 10 Live Group Q&A Call Dates
  • Weekly date resources/templates/exercises
  • Hidden Money Archetypes Assessment
  • Money Love Journal Pages
  • Guest Interviews that increase your financial knowledge

* You will not be asked to share how much you earn or any other personal financial numbers.
You will not have to discuss your personal and private financial information unless you choose to in any Q&A sessions.
We will have confidential options for asking specific money questions directly to me in confidence.

While we hope you can join the training modules (dates) live/virtually, we will provide recordings/replays of the trainings if you can’t make the money dates virtually, in-person.

Still Unsure? Have Questions?