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Nice to meet you!

I’m Michelle, the CEO of Limit Free Life

I believe that engaging, meaningful work shapes our lives in wonderfully positive ways.

I sought out the best training on Money Mindset and incorporate practical financial habits and systems (from my CPA days) to help you get rid of unconscious money blocks, establish new habits and press reset on a fresh money story…one that helps you finally feel that you are whole, aligned and on purpose with money.

We change, the world changes and our careers can change. My mission is to help ambitious, driven entrepreneurs and professionals move into (or better yet, create) work that

1. satisfies the soul
2. makes them feel the way they want to feel
3. creates the financial prosperity that they need and want
4. empowers them to live the life they desire

I founded Limit Free Life, a coaching and personal development company, to help men and women create financial prosperity and freedom while doing work they love. Limit Free Life offers coaching services including: career transition coaching, reinvention at all stages of life, and working with entrepreneurs to improve business acumen, management and leadership skills so they create profitable businesses they love . A special focus of my work is lifting barriers to success by uncovering underlying money beliefs, illuminating what’s driving money behavior, and paving the way for a better relationship with money and increased wealth.

As an MBA, with certified coach training in career, business and money mindset coaching, I have the education and background that helps clients regardless of industry. As a former CPA and corporate business consultant, I combine my expertise in finance, entrepreneurship and transition management with an intuitive coaching style. On the entrepreneurial front, in addition to consulting work with entrepreneurs, I’ve bought, sold and built dental practices (along with my husband) that were highly successful. Most recently, building a new practice in Malibu, taking it from zero to a Million $$ in five years. I launched Limit Free Life in 2011, while still running the practices, to finally start the business I had wanted for over a decade.

While my education and experience is valuable, I bring to my work with clients insights and understanding from my own career journey. I chose a path early on that veered away from my original dreams, felt unfulfilling for a long time and left me searching for something better. I know how it feels to be stifled, frustrated, and misplaced, despite the job title and the paycheck.

I love to help people, to hear their stories and work with them while they transform their work, businesses and lives. I’m finally clear and I look forward to work every day. I would love to help you with your journey.

I also enjoy speaking, writing and being a regular radio show guest and active volunteer. I get my inspiration from the arts and nature, hiking as often as I can. I am mom to two wonderful teenagers who don’t particularly like being coached.