Spring-Clean Your Career

Have you asked yourself lately if your career serves you well? You might be due for some small changes in your current position, or even an entire career change. Just as you would perform a spring-cleaning on your closet, it is important to take the time every year to thoroughly evaluate your career. Even if you used to really like a particular dress in your wardrobe, it might be dated now and time to clear space for something new. Likewise, you’ll want to examine all of your work duties and decide if they should get thrown out, passed on to someone else, or retained.

This is the case for entrepreneurs as well. Even when you work for yourself and love what you do, you can still burn out easily. How you choose to use your time each day may make a difference as to whether or not you feel your career is right for you right now.

Woman talking using phone at her desk in an office

Creating space for fresh and new work is a way to recharge your enthusiasm for your job or business. It’s an essential duty for anyone who wants to grow and develop in their career. Here are a few ideas to spring-clean your career:

1. Discard. If you went through a list of your daily activities, which would you keep and which would you give up if you had the choice? What are your favorite aspects of your workday and what are the highest priority tasks? Do you take on unnecessary tasks that should be eliminated or redirected somewhere else? How can you make that happen?

To some extent, an inability to release the responsibilities that you dislike or feel are meaningless may reinforce the idea that your current work is not where it should be. However, by shifting how you spend your time, you could better enjoy where you are. Most likely, your days are already full, so you must rid yourself of some activities anyway. Why not focus on more of the high-priority and enjoyable projects? This process of examining all the ways you spend your time can be very revealing. In her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo says, “When I put my house in order, I discovered what I really wanted to do.” You too should be deciding what you really want to do on a daily basis and getting rid of the things you don’t like to the best of your ability.

2. Donate. There is a distinct possibility that some of the work tasks you would like to eliminate could be valuable to someone else. Do not be afraid to delegate. Don’t assume that just because you are tired of a task, someone else might not find it interesting. It may enhance another person’s career and give them a chance to learn new skills and invigorate their experience.

3. Retain. Now, look at the activities you are keeping. Can you reorganize and prioritize them in a way that helps you to get more done? Can you apportion your workday so that you are doing what you most value when your energy is at its peak? Try to rearrange your day so you stack up the most important pieces where you most want them. This can lead to more satisfaction on a day-to-day basis.

Whether or not you are already happy at work, spring-cleaning is a must. Taking these three steps can reveal hidden truths and create space for more of what you want, both in your career and in life.