Limit Free Life and The Essential Entrepreneur present

Join the Premier Growth Environment Designed to Help you Meet or Exceed your Goals and Transform Your Business and Life
The Thrive Accelerator Program was designed to help business owners and other goal setters keep the plans they’ve created in the forefront, so they stay on track with their goals and see the results of their efforts.
To properly and consistently move forward in the direction you want, one that aligns with your vision, it’s crucial to use your plan as a navigator for your business or project.
We know that plans take work and are exciting in the moment, but sometimes “best laid plans” end up on a shelf while daily priorities and urgencies take over one’s workdays and life.
Life happens, distractions appear, new ideas pop up and drown out work in process, motivation wanes, goals feel overwhelming, next steps are unclear, relationships change, obstacles show up, mindsets shift to negative thoughts…
There are many ways and numerous reasons that plans get derailed. And when they do, they are often abandoned.
After completing several planning courses, we knew that more was needed to help ambitious people continue to assess and adjust their plans on a regular (we chose quarterly) basis.
What we have found, after decades of coaching and research, is that the plan creation process is a crucial one.
You have a vision and goals – serious ambitions to fulfill, promises to yourself and others. Planning is essential.
And, so is proper execution and re-planning throughout the year.
Creating a clear plan, with powerful strategies and actions, provides an effective roadmap to follow, guiding you to superior results.
It’s rare to place regular, close attention on your plan (even when you work hard to create it), track and monitor it consistently, and stay in what we call a “growth environment.”

Many of you have coaches and mentors. Often, with your coach, the discussions are on specific events occurring, tactics, and immediate problems to solve – not necessarily the plan execution.
It’s equally important to have plan accountability and support in altering the plan as needed, or as your endeavors materialize or change.
The Thrive Accelerator is a program designed specifically to keep you working your plan in the best possible ways, so your plan works for you! Getting you where you’ve decided you want to go!
There was a reason you created a plan! We won’t let you forget that, procrastinate or miss opportunities to re-evaluate. Our goal is to partner with you to see the realization of your vision, using the plan as your roadmap to success.
Which Of These Planning Disappointments Do You Recognize?
- Spending time planning just to park it on a shelf (or a digital folder) and forget about it
- Reviewing the strategies but not taking action because you aren’t sure what to do
- Being too busy or out of time to figure out how to take your income to a new level
- Not truly believing you can complete your plan or achieve success
- Avoiding tracking or measuring your progress against your plan
- Changing the goals as you go along without referring back to the plan, so the roadmap no longer works
- Feeling you'll have to work harder to make more, which keeps you stuck where you are
- Doing what you always do despite having created a new plan
- Ignoring the mindset changes required to accommodate the up-leveled plan
- Allowing old beliefs to guide you when you should be operating in accordance with new thought patterns
- Making decisions on actions to take based on disempowered thinking or outdated strategies
- Consciously noticing resistance to the idea following a plan
- Keeping your plan a secret from your team and clients
- Not publishing and viewing your plan regularly
- Not routinely and consistently updating your plan as you move through the year
- Not checking in on financials to assess the validity of your roadmap
- Not maintaining an environment that supports your plan and your success
- Not resetting your plan numerous times throughout the year in detail for maximum results
- Not asking for help with setting goals, strategies, actions or running them by a knowledgeable sounding board
- Waiting for business to find its way to you vs. intentionally directing your actions
- Not making time to learn what you need to excel in your business or project
- Avoiding analysis of KPI’s and metrics that help you evaluate your performance
- Not knowing where you are much of the time in your business
- Getting stuck in revenue streams that are no longer working or aren’t working well enough
- Spending too little time on the relationship building that would help your business expand
If you resonate with one or more of these statements, you may have suffered from poor planning or lack of follow through that have limited your results, squashed your enthusiasm . . . and possibly sabotaged your ability to reach your goals and dreams.
Being in a strong “growth environment” will help! Join the Thrive Accelerator Program to eliminate these disappointments from the past and thrive going forward.
The Planning Process We Use
In DreamBig, we teach you to develop a plan with the right vision for you, a deeply felt “why” and an understanding of how you want to feel as a result of achieving specific goals. This is the foundational basis for a great plan.
Your DreamBig plan was created to provide the decision-making filters through which to run your ideas and choices about how to spend your time on a daily basis.
From this foundation, it’s simple to build the framework for a workable roadmap.
The pyramid structure of goals, strategies, and actions provides the blueprint for the business or project that you want to realize in your life.
This blueprint will direct your decisions, so you are spending your valuable time on the right actions – all the time, to consistently reach your goals.
There are more options every day, more than there have ever been in history to create, market and deliver products and services. Or, to reach other money and personal goals. We have to make choices and in a way that serves us best.
We have worked hard to put together a planning process that will deliver and is simple to use.

What You Do With Your Powerful Plan
Makes All the Difference

Knowing the challenges that face people, particularly ambitious people with strong desires for more from life and work, we are offering the Thrive Accelerator Program to bolster your planning work, evaluate and mentor your progress throughout the year and see you to the finish line!
An upleveled money mindset will be required for any next level plan and you may need a partner to help you understand and work with your money relationship as you progress and increase your revenue and profitability.
Your money mindset is a crucial part of what will support or diminish your efforts and as you execute on the plan, so we work with you throughout the year on all aspects of your plan including finances.
Imagine sitting in next year’s planning workshop feeling excited and proud of your year as you recap your successes and how you will go forward from a new place of success and purpose.
We invite you to the next planning workshop in 2023 now, and we are providing the systems and accelerated “growth environment” to make sure that you are where you want to be when you arrive.
We have designed a way to be with you on the journey for a year at a reasonable investment. We will provide plan specific coaching, so the plan is not shelved, but out in front of you, in full view and working for you.
As creative entrepreneurs and others, we know how exciting it is to chase after new ideas. We won’t eliminate those possibilities, but will help you make decisions, with conscious thought about how it fits into your vision and mission, and how it affects your plan and your existing goals.
We encourage “big thinking” but also want you to experience completion. Sequencing and prioritization make all the difference when you have many ideas that inspire you. We will offer perspective and alternatives as well as encouragement.
You will find the best solutions to your challenges, because we’ll ask the coaching questions that will help you find answers.
We’ll examine the financial results of what you are doing to see where strategies are working or not, and help you make adjustments.
We will make sure each quarter that everything is re-examined and adjustments made with the “growth environment” components all accounted for.
Anyone who has taken the DreamBig Planning course is prepared and ready for this next, valuable step in the process of reaching your goals.

Here's What's Included

Four Quarterly Half Day Retreats
with Lorenda and Michelle to review progress, and using the growth environment components and other metrics, assess and reset the plan, goals, strategies, actions for the next quarter and beyond. This is an interactive time to learn, ask questions, and work on your plans and stay in momentum together. You make time to show up and we’ll make sure it’s fun and worthwhile. (value $7200)

Four On-Call Accelerator Coaching Calls Per Month
two with Michelle and two with Lorenda. We will each be available (one every week) on zoom to answer questions, work on mindset or actions, provide resources, encourage community, provide accountability and to coach on specific questions. (value $600 per month or $7200 annually)

Monthly Accountability / Support Tool Delivered To You
via email. Every month Lorenda and I will provide a tool or training for you to use to enhance your business, to better use your time, to improve your mindset or your sales ability, etc. We will be thoughtfully creating what we believe will most benefit you to continue successfully on your paths toward personal and professional growth. These should be fun surprises and provide additional inspiration and education keeping you moving toward your goals. (value $1200)

A Plan Review with a Coach
Michelle or Lorenda will review your plan with you in a private call to ensure that you have what you need in your plan. We’ll make sure that goals, strategies and actions are aligned and are the ones that will be most effective for you as well as answering any questions. (value $150)

Two Private Coaching Sessions to Use as Needed
you will be gifted two private coaching sessions during the year to use as needed to discuss an aspect of your plan or business that you feel you need to dig deeper into with a coach. This will be at your discretion to use at any time during the year. (value $600)

Your Ticket to Next Years DreamBig Planning Course
is covered and we will look forward to a planning course that will have some of the same components and some new ones as well, so everyone can reflect, update and reimagine their visions and plans next year, from the new perspective you will have at that time. Knowing you are enrolled will also help you stay on track and on purpose. (value $300 - actually the ticket price, value is much more)
What Others Have to Say
“The tools and techniques that Lorenda Phillips and Michelle Perkins bring to the table provided me with the thought, wisdom and practical application I needed to take my business to the next level. They don’t just talk about it, they show you!”
– Leslie Crumley Cash Flow Strategy Expert, Founder, Structural Success
“This was an informative course. It created a space and game me the time to develop concrete goals and schedule them into actions. While I ‘think’ about my goals, I have never scheduled actions like this before. The course provided me with a game plan that I could start to implement right after I got off the call”.
– Angie Thudium, MA, CCC-SLP Los Angeles
“Lorenda and Michelle taught me how to hone in on what’s important then offered me the steps for achievement, providing me a blueprint for 2021. I highly recommend this course for business owners and individuals wanting to actualize their dreams.”
– Erendira Cronkhite Summit Accounting Solutions, Los Angeles
About Your Instructors

Michelle Perkins
Michelle Perkins is the CEO of Limit Free Life, a coaching and personal development company designed to help men and women create financial prosperity and freedom while doing work they love. Michelle’s mission is to help ambitious, driven professionals move into (or better yet, create) work that:
- Satisfies the soul
- Makes them feel the way they want to feel
- Creates the financial prosperity that they need & want
- Empowers them to live the life they desire
Services include: career transition coaching, reinvention at all stages of life, and working with entrepreneurs to improve business acumen, productivity, and leadership skills to create a profitable enterprise they love. A unique focus of her work is lifting barriers to success by uncovering underlying money beliefs, illuminating what’s driving money behavior, and paving the way for a better relationship with money and increased wealth.
As an MBA with several coaching certifications, and a former CPA and corporate business consultant, she combines a strong background in finance, entrepreneurship and transition management with an intuitive coaching style, Working with her husband, she bought, sold and built dental practices that were highly successful. Most recently building a new practice in Malibu, taking it from zero to a million dollars in five years. Michelle launched Limit Free Life in 2011, while still running the practices.
Michelle is a speaker, writer, and podcast host. She loves nature and is an active volunteer and move to two young entrepreneurs who don’t particularly like being coached.

Lorenda Phillips
Lorenda Phillips, founder of the Essential Entrepreneur and Retired from Sports, has been an entrepreneur and business coach since 1997, coaching over 2,000 small business owners to be better in their work and their lives.
She has a Masters Certification from the International Coaching Federation. As an expert in planning, sales, leadership, everything entrepreneurship and transitions, Lorenda has the training and experience to help entrepreneurs grow and athletes transition successfully. She is committed to making a different in the world of business and expanding her message through her coaching, books, social media presence and events.
Lorenda is a heartfelt, results oriented coach with a love for business owners and pro atheletes transitioning into what is next in their lives.
What It's Worth
Total Value of the Thrive Program:
Your 2024 Member Offer & Payment Options:
Monthly Payments
12 convenient equal payments
It will absolutely go up from here. This will be a significant savings for you indefinitely.
We were honored to work with you on your planning and we are dedicated to helping you to see these plans through (as well as new ones that you need and want). The year is already underway and there’s no time like the present.
Let’s go!! We are ready! How about you?
Please contact Michelle (424-234-2414) or Lorenda (310-413-8636) with any questions you might have.
If you have decided to join us, let us know right away and we will get you onboarded and on your way as a new member.