5 Habits of Super Productive People (despite a pandemic)
What does being productive mean? It’s primarily a satisfied feeling that results from actions taken that are directly related to particular goals. The goals can range from relaxation time to large-scale business goals. Feeling …
I Bet You Think You Communicate with Words
“Eyebrows up!” I bet you think that the person listening to you is hearing your words, but the reality is that when you raise your eyebrows, they’re interpreting your expression, the raised eyebrows, through …
Why NOW is the Best Time to Look For Work
At a recent dinner with a friend, I was asked if my coaching business was really busy because so many people are out of work. She is correct, The US has a 6% unemployment …
How Big is Your Vision and Does it Matter?
If you are setting out to do something in your work or business that you feel is important and needed in the world, you most likely have a big vision whether you know it …
Who’s On Your Advisory Team
One of the smaller segments of the recent planning workshop that I co-hosted was to create your personal/professional advisory board. We dug deeply into vision, mission, mindset, strategy and goal setting in the seminar. …